Episode 51
Brad Thomas
When I started the Weekly Havok it was supposed to be a roundtable discussion with the staff and writers at Havok Journal. You probably noticed it increasingly because one-on-one interviews. Honestly, it's just hard to wrangle three guests for a panel each week. That's why it started becoming more "spotlight" episodes where I did one-on-one interviews. So, after a little thinking, we've rebranded TWH into Profiles in Havok - which kind of fits the one-on-one interview theme a lot better. And it will still populate in your old TWH feed, so you can still listen to our old episodes. But I couldn't think of a better guest to kick off our rebranding than Brad Thomas. There are a lot of reasons I couldn't wait to sit down and talk with Brad. I've listened to his rock band Silence & Light's debut album a lot. The battle of Mogadishu had a big impact on both of us - me in high school and him being there. And like him, I was greatly influenced by a lot of early 90's bands. So I had high hopes for the interview. They were all surpassed. There are not a lot of rock band founders who can discuss military culture with any real authority or insight. There are not a lot of former Delta operators who can nerd out on open choruses and Barry Manilow. Between the military and the music, we manage to cover so much ground. And even so, I had enough questions and follow-ups for another few hours. Do not miss this one.
A Delta Operator Transitions from War to Music by Brad Thomas
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